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How to Prepare for U.S. Stock Market Upside Risk

By John S. Tobey

Libya? Oil prices? U.S Dollar? Employment? Inflation? Forget about those risks. There is a new U.S. stock market risk warning that has just been revealed on Wall Street. (more) This article is on SeekingAlpha.com »

Be Contrarian; Believe a ‘Real’ Bull Market Is Starting

By John S. Tobey

When I wrote “Time To Be A Contrarian” last June, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had fallen to the 10,000 level. Mega/global fears swirled about. The contrarian position was “easy” – buy US stocks. “All” it took was focusing on company fundamentals, ignoring the scary news and going against what our stomachs were... »

Book Review: “The Investment Answer”

By John S. Tobey

With the passing of Gordon Murray, co-author of “The Investment Answer,” the former PDF book is coming in print form next Tuesday (January 25).  The tantalizing title and the interviews with Gordon Murray have driven up interest. At Amazon, it is currently #1 among all books! So, let’s cut to the chase. Are Wall... »

Wall Street’s 2011 Stock Market Outlook: Up but Not Over-optimistic

By John S. Tobey

There have been some warnings that the US stock market’s rise has produced over-optimistic forecasts. However, Wall Street’s published 2011 stock market outlooks look reasonable, even a bit conservative. Here’s the picture… »

How to Earn IPO Profits from the Inside

By John S. Tobey

No, you don’t have to buy private shares of Facebook. There is a more diversified, less risky (and possibly more profitable) approach. Not seen since the 1960s have private investors had access to IPO gains from the issuer’s side. Here’s the story: »

US Stocks Clear Third Hurdle

By John S. Tobey

The US stock market has cleared its third hurdle: Company earnings once again came in ahead of expectations, pulling stocks up and defeating worries of a dismal October. As June ended, the US stock market was down markedly from its April highs, and I thought it faced three hurdles to rebuild its base and... »

Attention Wall Street – Here’s How to Attract Investors Back to US Stocks

By John S. Tobey

Even Wall Street’s best are having trouble getting investors to show interest in owning US stocks. Maybe the answer is dropping the logical argument based on experience. Instead, adopt a strategy proven successful with consumers: Change the name and, thereby, the perception. »

2 Must-read Articles Examine Stock Market’s Flaws – Picture Is Not Good

By John S. Tobey

The flaws in the US stock market that caused the May 6 “flash crash” remain. These two articles bring troubling news. »

Vanguard’s New ETFs Defy Anti-US Stock Trend – Do They See Something Coming?

By John S. Tobey

Customary Wall Street practice is to follow the trend. Investment product creation and marketing tends to take the easy road. By focusing on what investors want now, firms figure they will simply change tactics when people want something different. In the end, however, the investor-client base that bought near the top feels taken advantage... »

Why Wall Street Might Spur a Bull Market in 2011

By John S. Tobey

In Wall Street, it’s New Year’s Day. Wall Streeters are back, refreshed from their summer vacations, wearing starched white shirts and ready to focus on what 2011 has in store. As they assemble their teams, the question is what their conclusions will be. This is the second hurdle I described in “This Stock Market... »

Scrambling for Income? Avoid Being Carried Away by the Crowd

By John S. Tobey

The search for income is in high gear. With short-term investments providing little yield, investors are seeking out alternatives. There are large flows into all types of bonds, including riskier emerging market (third world) and low quality (junk). Even specialty securities like royalty trusts are finding wider appeal. Are these moves unhealthy and signs... »

Bond Rating Agencies Now Held Liable – Why That Is a Good Thing

By John S. Tobey

A provision in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is the liability of bond rating agencies (e.g., Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s) whenever their ratings are included in formal SEC registration materials. The result: The bond rating agencies now are  disallowing their ratings from being used. Without them, securitized bond offerings... »

The US Stock Market’s New Thrills

By John S. Tobey

The US stock market continues to get into the record books. This time it’s the quick drop from April 26 to June 7, unmatched in the past 80 years except in 1950 when the Korean War broke out. So, what’s going on? Is this the beginning of a new bear market? Or is there... »

Lowenstein’s ‘End’ Whets Appetite for More

By John S. Tobey

BOOK REVIEW As Roger Lowenstein says, the “end” in his latest book’s title, The End of Wall Street, means the repudiation and cessation of Wall Street’s last, big phase. Consider it an evolutionary step that didn’t quite work out as planned. »

Pitfalls in Today’s US Stock Market – Part 3

By John S. Tobey

Given Wall Street’s disruptive game playing described in Parts 1 and 2, what’s an investor to do? Today, I address “III. How we can invest and protect ourselves.” »


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July 2024