Quick Points

/Quick Point/ – An observation relevant to current investment trends and recent Investment Directions’ articles.

/Quick Point/ – 2010 Stock Market Set to Music

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
/Quick Point/ – 2010 Stock Market Set to Music

In a series of 5 weekday notes, this piano composition matches the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s 2010 performance. »

/Quick Point/ – James C. Cooper’s ‘Business Outlook’ Lives!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
/Quick Point/ – James C. Cooper’s ‘Business Outlook’ Lives!

Last January I wrote “Obituary: Business Week’s ‘Business Outlook’ Column” (January 27, 2010). Bloomberg’s takeover of Business Week resulted in the demise of the long-standing, valuable “Business Outlook” column and the loss of economist James C. Cooper, the Business Outlook’s editor since 1988. Now there is good news… »

/Quick Point/ – Today’s Score: Bulls 2, Bears 0

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Today’s Score: Bulls 2, Bears 0

Forget Bernanke and the Federal Reserve. The real news today is what drove the stock market up this morning. The Wall Street Journal’s mid-day article says it all… »

/Quick Point/ – Verizon: One more thing…

Sunday, December 5, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Verizon: One more thing…

I received a good comment on my article, “Verizon (Part 1) – Announcements Support Its Growth Status.” I am sharing the comment and my response because I added some additional information… »

/Quick Point/ – Insurer Reveals Inflation Expectations and Intentions

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Insurer Reveals Inflation Expectations and Intentions

Carefirst BlueCross BlueShield (DC) let its inflation thoughts and plans out of the bag recently. Here is the new language the company inserted into its general contract with health insurance customers: »

/Quick Point/ – Fed Succeeds by Talking – Growing Signs of Inflation

Monday, October 25, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Fed Succeeds by Talking – Growing Signs of Inflation

The Federal Reserve (Chair Ben Bernanke, in particular) would like a tad more inflation and thinks its plan to buy bonds could accomplish that goal. Now there are signs that just talking about it has done the trick. Here are three examples: »

/Quick Point/ – China’s Interest Rate Hike Is Good for the US

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
/Quick Point/ – China’s Interest Rate Hike Is Good for the US

China took a positive step yesterday that will benefit not only itself, but also all those countries engaged economically with it, including the US. Here’s why… »

/Quick Point/ – No News Is Good News for the US Stock Market

Monday, October 11, 2010
/Quick Point/ – No News Is Good News for the US Stock Market

WSJ now focusing on politics and foreign affairs The stock market’s rise back to its March/April levels means none of those intervening headlines and articles filled with dire warnings panned out (e.g., Greece/Europe/Euro, Goldman lawsuit/financial industry, BP oil spill/Florida/east cost/oil industry and double dip/deflation). »

/Quick Point/ – Alcoa Provides Important, Positive Indicator

Friday, October 8, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Alcoa Provides Important, Positive Indicator

Alcoa’s earnings report had better news than expected. »

/Quick Point/ – Market Rises. Small Investors To Stop Selling?

Friday, October 1, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Market Rises. Small Investors To Stop Selling?

From The Wall Street Journal’s front-page “Business & Finance” column today: »

/Quick Point/ – Savvy Investment Manager: Time to Use Contrarian Approach and Buy US Stocks

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Savvy Investment Manager: Time to Use Contrarian Approach and Buy US Stocks

Important read: “You Should Have Timed the Market” (By Brett Arends September 29) Key items: »

/Quick Point/ – Ireland Fails to Resurrect European Fears

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
/Quick Point/ – Ireland Fails to Resurrect European Fears

Another sign that “macro-investing” is becoming obsolete: On Friday (September 24) The Wall Street Journal led its front-page “Business & Finance” news brief column with supposedly dire news from Europe: Ireland was in trouble, meaning Europe was teetering again. This overwrought piece even resorted to “double dose” as a reminder of the now diminished... »


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