Investment Mojo

The Great Recession Is Dead: 10 Steps For Success In 2014

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
The Great Recession Is Dead: 10 Steps For Success In 2014

It’s over. The Great Recession is officially relegated to Wikipedia and academic studies. The financial problems are fixed. Even Bernanke is looking for historical analysis of his efforts as Yellen arrives and the Fed shifts gears. Kiplinger’s employment/unemployment analysis shows an advancing U.S. economy with large, new and exciting growth needs. The past few... »

3 Steps To Winning In The New Bull Market

Saturday, February 18, 2012
3 Steps To Winning In The New Bull Market

The “easy” money 3-year bull market is ending, but a new one is beginning. The previous, extended period of rising stock prices was built on improving fundamentals. The 2010 and 2011 mega-fear periods helped keep worry alive, allowing stock investors to acquire and hold attractively priced stocks. However, the shift to normality is upon... »

How Caterpillar, Coca-Cola And Apple Can Defeat Investor Anger

Monday, August 22, 2011
How Caterpillar, Coca-Cola And Apple Can Defeat Investor Anger

Jason Zweig’s excellent WSJ article, “Too Flustered to Trade: A Portrait of the Angry Investor,” paints an accurate portrait of today’s investor. Frustration and anger are not only strongly felt, they are affecting investors’ decisions still – even though the stock market bottomed 2-1/2 years ago. “They’re mad as hell, and they aren’t going... »

The 3 C’s Needed for Investment Success – Now More Than Ever

Friday, August 12, 2011
The 3 C’s Needed for Investment Success – Now More Than Ever

News reports, pundit predictions, radio talk shows and reader comments have reached loud, negative levels. Unbridled pessimism has sprung up regarding just about everything. Like last year at this time, events and facts have been blown out of proportion and only negative indicators are taken as the “truth” with which to forecast a trend.... »

Retail Sales Indicate a Happy New (Stock Market) Year in 2011

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Retail Sales Indicate a Happy New (Stock Market) Year in 2011

Do you have lingering doubts about the US economy? Is that worry keeping you out of the stock market? It’s understandable- We’ve been bombarded for months with warnings about impending crises and collapses. But it’s time to exit the past- The proof of recovery is here. Accepting that fact is the key to successful... »

The 2011 US Stock Market Outlook Looks Bright

Thursday, December 9, 2010
The 2011 US Stock Market Outlook Looks Bright

One year ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was around 10,300. Today, it’s about 11,400, for a gain of over 10% (excluding dividends). Nice. Except, it actually underperformed its fundamentals. Its improved valuation gives us the prospect of a very happy new year indeed. Here’s why… »

Why the Stock Market’s Rise Is Important

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why the Stock Market’s Rise Is Important

Why did the US stock market go up in September? Mainly, because some heavyweight investors decided it was time to buy. That reason may sound obvious, but, in this investing environment, it is significant. More important than their actions are their motives. »

New Investment Horizon Ahead – Four Steps for Adjusting Our Focus and Strategy

Friday, October 1, 2010
New Investment Horizon Ahead – Four Steps for Adjusting Our Focus and Strategy

Previously I described why I think the macro investing trend is ending and that, in the midst of its popularity, we need to take a contrarian stand to get ready. Below are... »

How to Profit from Trend Changes

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to Profit from Trend Changes

Yesterday I discussed a likely trend change coming (see “WSJ Accidentally Identifies Macro Investing’s Probable End of the Line“). Investing for such a change can be highly profitable. Trend changes are actually numerous, relating to virtually all investment types, groupings or management approaches. The goal isn’t to spot all of them. Here’s what’s needed… »

Value Screening in an Improving Stock Market

Friday, September 24, 2010
Value Screening in an Improving Stock Market

Since I wrote “Value Screening US Stocks – Example with 7 ‘Picks’” (September 1), the stock market has risen over 5%. What’s happened to the screening results, and what should we do now? »

Forget ‘Slow Growth’ – Think ‘Growth’

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Forget ‘Slow Growth’ – Think ‘Growth’

In investing, the key challenge is to get the direction right. But what about timing? Guessing at when a move will happen isn’t worth it. Hidden dynamics (and they’re usually invisible when they would be most useful) are famous at creating “surprisingly” fast moves. Here are two excellent examples from The Wall Street Journal: »

Why the Coming Earnings Reports Are So Important

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Why the Coming Earnings Reports Are So Important

Yesterday I wrote about the US stock market’s third hurdle approaching: The next quarterly earnings reports. (See “US Stocks’ Third Hurdle Just Around the Corner.“) What might we expect, and why do they matter? »

Value Screening US Stocks – Example with 7 “Picks”

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Value Screening US Stocks – Example with 7 “Picks”

Screening can turn up some good US stock values in today’s market (see my article “Investors Give up on Value Stocks – Should We?” for explanation). Below is an example in which I set the hurdles high, yet still had 7 leading companies clear every one. »

Investors Give up on Value Stocks – Should We?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Investors Give up on Value Stocks – Should We?

The Wall Street Journal just provided a big tip for investors: Buy value stocks. This tip was wrapped in a “contrarian” package, meaning they described well why investors are ignoring value. And whenever investors choose to pooh-pooh something, that is where we should look for potentially profitable investments. »

Scrambling for Income? Avoid Being Carried Away by the Crowd

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Scrambling for Income? Avoid Being Carried Away by the Crowd

The search for income is in high gear. With short-term investments providing little yield, investors are seeking out alternatives. There are large flows into all types of bonds, including riskier emerging market (third world) and low quality (junk). Even specialty securities like royalty trusts are finding wider appeal. Are these moves unhealthy and signs... »


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