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Time To Be Contrarian About U.S. Stock Holdings

By John S. Tobey

I recently wrote about U.S. stocks recovering their valuations after this year’s sell-off. However, that doesn’t mean the market’s rise is over. There is another source of gains that is potentially very large. However, to view it, we need to take a contrarian stance. This article is posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Stock Market’s Health: Recovered, But Not Yet Normal

By John S. Tobey

The stock market has fully recovered its lost ground from this year’s sell-off. Analysts and investors have now incorporated lower economic growth forecasts, information from company earnings reports/outlooks, and mega-trend fears. Evaluating the earnings adjustments and the stock market’s valuation show a stock market that has recovered from its oversold position. Moreover, future growth... »

Wall Street Signals A Bull Market In U.S. Stocks

By John S. Tobey

It’s been slow coming. After a rare quadruple bottom, the U.S. stock market has risen this month (October, no less!) amidst continuing angst and warnings. The whisper economic reports (“psst… they’re actually looking better”) remained out of the spotlight as Europe, politics and other negative “stuff” was tossed about as proof that we were... »

Alcoa’s Outlook Implies Large Market Gains Ahead; Will JP Morgan Follow?

By John S. Tobey

This earnings season just kicked off with a major surprise from Alcoa. It wasn’t what Alcoa (AA) did – it’s what it said. Although last quarter’s earnings came in under analysts’ already reduced estimates, management kept its sales growth forecasts virtually unchanged. “Kept” implies a passive, do-nothing attitude. Actually, it’s an active statement founded... »

Last Week Set The Stage For A Bull Market

By John S. Tobey

Smokey the Bear just flipped his sign to “Safe” and headed toward his cave to hibernate. Just when the match touched the kindling, a drenching rainstorm put out the fire. We can now confidently walk in the forest (AKA, the stock market) once again. After last Monday’s high volume sell-off drove the market to... »

Beware And Prepare For A Mini Market Flash Crash

By John S. Tobey

Smokey the Bear’s fire indicator is pointing to “Danger!” To me, the stock market’s conditions are like a tinder-dry forest. While we cannot know if a spark will ignite a fire, we can beware and prepare for the possibility. Article posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Stock Market Battle Near Resolution: Time To Be A Schizophrenic Opportunist

By John S. Tobey

October’s first two weeks could provide stock investors with a good opportunity to make money — by being simultaneously bullish and bearish. However, this schizophrenic attitude doesn’t necessarily mean hedging is the best approach. I believe there is another strategy that could produce better gains in the end. Article posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Stock Market’s 3rd Quarter Drop Means 80% Chance Of Rise

By John S. Tobey

Stock market quarters can have unique personalities. Usually, a quarter has a controlled range of volatility with different industries and stocks producing a diversified movement for the market as a whole. However, occasionally things come unglued and a strong trend affecting most stocks takes hold (either positive or negative). Of the past 200 quarters... »

Market Signals A Bottom: Time To Own Stocks

By John S. Tobey

The headlines would have us believe the stock market plummeted – again. The explanation is that everything is going wrong, capped by those frightening words: “Global Recession.” However, last week’s stock market message isn’t what it did, it’s what it didn’t do. This article is posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Dig In To The Dow For 20% To 30% Potential Return

By John S. Tobey

During last year’s market drop and mega-fears (concerns about the global economy, European/Greek debt, Asian growth and our financial system), analysts correctly forecast company earnings growth would stay on pace. They were right, and the good company results pulled the stock market out of its slump and produced significantly good returns. So how about... »

5 Desirable Growth Stocks

By John S. Tobey

About 20 days ago, I wrote that a “Stock Market Buying Opportunity Could Be Coming” and that “5 ‘Special Situation’ Growth Stocks” could become attractively priced. It looks like we’re now there. Below is the updated information for the five stocks; I have updated each of the graphs. Interestingly, this has been a good... »

Apple: Price Stall Is Foundation Building, Not Topping Out

By John S. Tobey

I recently read a cautionary article about Apple (AAPL). The gist was that Apple is a good growth company, but the stock hasn’t gone anywhere this year. Therefore, something must be wrong and investors should be cautious. The problem with that logic is that it makes two improper presumptions. First, that a good growth... »

Stock Market Buying Opportunity Could Be Coming

By John S. Tobey

Post-earnings report malaise has set in once again. Even though the reports were excellent and drove 2011 and 2012 estimated earnings up, the stock market has softened. However, this reversal isn’t unusual. Once earnings announcements are over, investors often look about for other news. With the media’s help, this quarter’s mid-period has a negative... »

Dow 20,000: How It Could Happen

By John S. Tobey

Most first quarter 2011 earnings reports are in and the news is good. Over three-quarters exceeded expectations. Moreover, the results showed a desirable combination of growing revenues, profitability and cash flow. Profit margins are being maintained by cost control, improved productivity and operating leverage. This combination of factors helped push analysts’ 2011 earnings expectations... »

Screening for Technology Stocks: 30 Finds to Consider

By John S. Tobey

Investing in “new” technology stocks could be especially rewarding as we shift from “up-market” to “bull market.” My previous article described why. The challenge of investing in new technology companies is that they often are not well known plus they look overpriced. Moreover, risk is high. We have seen competition or failure to implement... »


John Tobey on Seeking Alpha

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July 2024