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Will Friday’s Employment Report Make This a Perfect Week?

By John S. Tobey

The US economy has gotten standing ovations this week. All five major reports for January have been better than expected – some significantly so (see table below). Just one report is left: Employment. (more) This article is posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Forecast for Bondholders: How the Fed’s Dilemma Will Affect You

By John S. Tobey

Previously, I discussed whether the Fed was paying attention to inflation’s apparent resurgence (“Tame Inflation Just Growled – Is the Fed Listening?”). Today, let’s talk about the box the Fed is in, what its choices are and how the direction chosen would affect bondholders. (more) This article is posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Why Employment Could Get a Boost

By John S. Tobey

Much has been made about the latest jobs report. Does that report set the stage for a lackluster 2011? No. In fact, the forecast looks good – perhaps even rosy. »

Do Those Unemployment Stories Seem Scary? Take a Look at These Facts

By John S. Tobey

Articles continue to be written about the high unemployment rate and its associated misery. Some pundits use the rate as the keystone of their dire economic forecasts. Interviews with the long-time unemployed are used to highlight the supposed widespread pain. Mention the 10% unemployment number (it’s actually 9.5%, down from 10.1%, but people still... »

Unemployment and the Stock Market Following a Familiar Path

By John S. Tobey

Concerns continue to surround unemployment, particularly with the stock market’s recent decline. However, the unemployment and stock market patterns are continuing to follow a “normal” route. Here is how this period compares to others. »

How To Read the Financial Press – Warning! You Might Get Bullish

By John S. Tobey

Most media reports have a slant – not to sway the reader, but to combine pieces of information into a sensible composite. High quality publications, to prevent biased reports, require that a reporter include all relevant information gathered. Today’s news reports are filled with positive information not reflected by the articles’ downbeat headlines. Here’s... »

New Dawn Is Breaking – Be Ready

By John S. Tobey

Typically I write about one subject to give you an insight into a timely topic, key information that is being overlooked or an objective evaluation of a subject producing misleading emotions. Today, though, it’s time to rise above the details and look at the big picture because a major shift is in the works.... »

Friday’s Unemployment Number Approaches – Time To Regain Perspective

By John S. Tobey

Here it comes: the unemployment number. Last reported at 10.2%, The Wall Street Journal says we must “brace” for the coming Friday morning report. So, let’s prepare by looking at the leading indicators of employment to get a proper perspective… »


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