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10 Good Looking Stocks in This Nervous Market

By John S. Tobey

The latest spate of worrisome news and warnings is just the thing for producing desirable stock prices. Wednesday’s stock market drop, while perhaps scary, was not a breakdown indicator. Rather, it moved many stocks down to attractive buy levels – i.e., near the bottom of recent ranges. This article is posted on SeekingAlpha.com »

Value Screening US Stocks – Example with 7 “Picks”

By John S. Tobey

Screening can turn up some good US stock values in today’s market (see my article “Investors Give up on Value Stocks – Should We?” for explanation). Below is an example in which I set the hurdles high, yet still had 7 leading companies clear every one. »

Scrambling for Income? Avoid Being Carried Away by the Crowd

By John S. Tobey

The search for income is in high gear. With short-term investments providing little yield, investors are seeking out alternatives. There are large flows into all types of bonds, including riskier emerging market (third world) and low quality (junk). Even specialty securities like royalty trusts are finding wider appeal. Are these moves unhealthy and signs... »

Bonds Face Three Powerful, Negative Forces – Time to Consider the Warning Signals

By John S. Tobey

Good Friday was bad for bonds. In spite of the yearlong demand flow by investors, fundamentals keep chipping away at bond prices. Here is what’s wrong with bonds and why you should consider avoiding them… »

Investor Interest in US Stocks Is Awakening

By John S. Tobey

Last Friday I described the potential bull market that could come from investors showing an interest in US stocks. And I mentioned an article that indicated such a move could be starting. Two more articles just came out, providing further support. »

S&P 500 Leaves Sick Bed – Healthy Earnings and Dividends in 2010

By John S. Tobey

The current fourth quarter reports are putting 2009 into the history books. At the same time the focus on 2010 is making the broad-based Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index (S&P 500) look ever better. Importantly, the numbers are indicating a real return to normality. The improvement can be seen in the S&P 500... »

The 2009 Earnings Are Coming! – OK, but What About 2010?

By John S. Tobey

Last October, the third quarter 2009 earnings reports were important. They revealed that the economy was improving. And they showed that leading companies had reestablished their operations and finances enough to generate earnings growth at the economy’s lower levels. They also provided evidence that financial companies were righting themselves. This was just the proof... »

Dividends – Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too

By John S. Tobey

Last month I wrote about common stock dividends being a way to increase yield in “Another Way To Harvest Yields: Common Stock Dividends.” Today I would like to add dividends into the recent growth discussions. They provide two benefits to common stock investors: income independent from a company’s stock price growth and the potential... »


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July 2024