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Currency Moves Signal Panic Selling – Use It to Our Advantage

By John S. Tobey

Yesterday I discussed how to use currency exchange rates for understanding global economic and financial conditions. Today, let’s look at how the rates can provide a window into emotional investment moves, particularly panic selling, and how we can use the information to our advantage. »

Evaluating Global Economic and Financial Concerns – Choose Viewpoints Carefully

By John S. Tobey

Last year, when rising cocoa prices were hot news, I described the problem with using only US dollar values to make an evaluation of a global product (see “Cocoa Prices and Currency Measurement” – October 23, 2009). Today, with Europe, the Euro and “contagion” in the news, it’s time to revisit the need to... »

The Euro’s Individual Country Pressures – Original Concerns Come to Pass

By John S. Tobey

As Europe moved toward a single currency, a chief concern was how to ensure individual countries didn’t rock the boat. Because each country retained its own government and central bank, the worry was that differences could lead to stress within the overall financial system. Europe is now dealing with that situation. »

The Chinese Yuan’s Anticipated Rise – Investment Implications (Part 3)

By John S. Tobey

The last two days we have reviewed the Chinese yuan exchange rate, it’s anticipated rise and how that presents an opportunity for owning Chinese stocks. Funds seem to be the best route, and here are criteria for selecting a promising one. »

The Chinese Yuan’s Anticipated Rise – Investment Implications (Part 2)

By John S. Tobey

With yesterday’s explanation of exchange rates, we can now examine investment opportunities resulting from a Chinese yuan increase. My focus will be on Chinese company stocks. The easy conclusion is that the yuan’s appreciation means we can earn a bonus return by owning Chinese securities. However, “easy” in investing usually means everyone is already... »

The Chinese Yuan’s Anticipated Rise – Investment Implications (Part 1)

By John S. Tobey

Expected Chinese yuan improvement could provide us with an investment opportunity. However, before going there, I thought a review of challenging exchange rate math would help ensure full understanding. To start, if I said I just bought gasoline for $3.00 a gallon, you’d know exactly what I meant. And if you saw that gas... »


John Tobey on Seeking Alpha

Seeking Alpha Certified

July 2024