Contrarian Investing

Currency Moves Signal Panic Selling – Use It to Our Advantage

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Currency Moves Signal Panic Selling – Use It to Our Advantage

Yesterday I discussed how to use currency exchange rates for understanding global economic and financial conditions. Today, let’s look at how the rates can provide a window into emotional investment moves, particularly panic selling, and how we can use the information to our advantage. »

Closed-End Funds Selling at Discounts Offer Bonus Returns

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Closed-End Funds Selling at Discounts Offer Bonus Returns

Last month, I wrote, “Closed-End Funds – Structure and Price Discount Add to Potential Returns” (March 12), in which I described the benefit of the closed-end structure for portfolio managers and investors. Today, I want to explain why funds selling at a discount represent more than an opportunity to make an added gain if... »

Four Stocks That Illustrate Contrarian Investing in This Market

Friday, April 9, 2010
Four Stocks That Illustrate Contrarian Investing in This Market

Contrarian investing is a key approach to earning superior returns. Most often considered appropriate for a value approach, “contrarian” aids all successful investors and investment managers, regardless of their particular style. I have written about contrarian investing and its importance in past articles (e.g., see the four-part series beginning with “It’s Time To Be... »

Contrarian Buying – A Way To Increase Profit Potential and Risk Control

Monday, March 1, 2010
Contrarian Buying – A Way To Increase Profit Potential and Risk Control

Ever buy a stock and then marvel at how the price immediately started down? After making such a trade, you are faced with two mental challenges: Questioning the wisdom of having bought Wondering if you should sell now to minimize the loss (See Ennui Risk, below) If you do hang on and then see... »

Contrarian Indicators Are Signaling: Buy US Stocks

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Contrarian Indicators Are Signaling: Buy US Stocks

The list of contrarian indicators supporting the buying of US common stocks has become lengthy and weighty. Articles about stock risks and investor worries keep getting added to the pile. Like people postponing buying a new car, the potential demand continues to grow. All it takes is a spark to set it off. In... »

Contrarian Investing (Part 3) – My Own Personal Experiences

Monday, December 14, 2009
Contrarian Investing (Part 3) – My Own Personal Experiences

As a final piece on contrarian investing, I thought some of my own personal experiences would help. I have selected a diverse list to show how there are many ways to gain from contrarian investing. I put in extra details, so you can get a better sense of both the environment at the time... »

Contrarian Investing (Part 2) – Investment Manager Examples

Friday, December 11, 2009
Contrarian Investing (Part 2) – Investment Manager Examples

The last two days, I have discussed the concept and importance of contrarian investing. I thought some real life examples would help provide understanding of how it is applied. For today, I have selected four investment managers with whom I have worked that successfully used a contrarian approach. »

Contrarian Investing (Part 1) – Examining the Process

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Contrarian Investing (Part 1) – Examining the Process

Contrarian investing is so important that I want to discuss it further. The concept is challenging, and most investors do not apply it well, if at all. The potential rewards are considerable. Practicing contrarian investing can be financially beneficial and help prevent mental anguish. »

It’s Time To Be a Contrarian Investor

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
It’s Time To Be a Contrarian Investor

As I mentioned on Monday, I believe we are at an important turning point. Not all the data is in, but we don’t need it. Applying what we do know, the economic trend looks to be changing. But, if we wait for “the dust to settle,” prices will have adjusted and we will miss... »


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