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Why Employment Could Get a Boost

By John S. Tobey

Much has been made about the latest jobs report. Does that report set the stage for a lackluster 2011? No. In fact, the forecast looks good – perhaps even rosy. »

Outlook 2011: Growth and a Return to Normality

By John S. Tobey

Commentators say 2010 was a year of “unexpected” economic and market gains in the face of worries, concerns and reversals. That’s because those pundits allowed 2009’s uncertainties to carry over into their thinking. Looking for the next big, bad event produced numerous false warnings and unfulfilled dire predictions. 2011’s outlook is for growth and... »

No, You STILL Haven’t Missed Out

By John S. Tobey

Last year I wrote “No, You Haven’t Missed Out” (October 1, 2009). Now, thirteen months later, that message still applies. Although conditions have improved from that more uncertain time, mid-2010’s detour into mega-trend frights (Greece, etc.) reversed investors building interest in US stocks. That detour was beneficial because it restrained US stock prices, allowing... »

Retail Sales Indicate a Happy New (Stock Market) Year in 2011

By John S. Tobey

Do you have lingering doubts about the US economy? Is that worry keeping you out of the stock market? It’s understandable- We’ve been bombarded for months with warnings about impending crises and collapses. But it’s time to exit the past- The proof of recovery is here. Accepting that fact is the key to successful... »

Why Wall Street Might Spur a Bull Market in 2011

By John S. Tobey

In Wall Street, it’s New Year’s Day. Wall Streeters are back, refreshed from their summer vacations, wearing starched white shirts and ready to focus on what 2011 has in store. As they assemble their teams, the question is what their conclusions will be. This is the second hurdle I described in “This Stock Market... »


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